Connect Site Services

About CSS

Learn more about Connect Site Services, our mission to empower communities, and how we’re shaping the future of construction and workforce development.

Committed to empowering Indigenous Australia by building skills today to create a stronger workforce for tomorrow.

About CSS

Founded in 2021 on Whadjuk Noongar Boodja. The company is majority Aboriginal owned and operated. As a proud majority Aboriginal owned and operated business, we endeavour to empower positive outcomes for local Aboriginal communities.

Our key positive impact goals centre around enabling employment, supportive training, and upskilling for Aboriginal and or Torres Strait Islander people.

Meet the Leadership Team

Meet the passionate leaders who bring experience, vision, and dedication to driving success and creating meaningful opportunities.

Our Driving Values

Our values reflect our commitment to empowering individuals, supporting industries, and delivering exceptional results.


We believe in unlocking potential and creating pathways to meaningful employment. By delivering tailored training and upskilling programs, we empower individuals—particularly Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people—to achieve their career goals and positively impact their communities


Trust and reliability are the cornerstones of our business. We are committed to delivering on our promises with honesty, accountability, and professionalism. Whether providing labour hire, managing contracts, or delivering training programs, we ensure transparency and high standards in everything we do.


Our roots are grounded in community. From the Whadjuk Noongar Boodja where we began, to the local industries and businesses we serve today, we value collaboration and connection. By prioritising partnerships and initiatives that benefit both individuals and businesses, we contribute to stronger, more sustainable communities.


We strive for excellence in every project, program, and partnership. Our team of experienced professionals ensures the highest quality outcomes—whether delivering reliable labour, managing contracts efficiently, or equipping people with the skills needed to succeed.

Cultural Respect

We celebrate the richness of all cultures and recognise the strength that comes from diversity. By fostering respect, understanding, and inclusion, we aim to create workplaces and programs that honour traditions, embrace collaboration, and empower people from all walks of life. We proudly acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage as central to the communities we serve.


Great outcomes come from working together. By fostering strong partnerships with businesses, communities, and individuals, we deliver solutions that benefit everyone involved. Whether it’s through teamwork on-site, active consultation, or building long-term relationships, collaboration is how we drive success.